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Collective Worship & Right of Withdrawal

Collective Worship

Collective Worship In Class

At St John Fisher, we believe that prayer guides and strengthens us. Each week, our children plan and deliver Collective Worship for their class or the whole school. Once the session is delivered, children evaluate their session. The children take ownership of Collective worship which is lead, on a Wednesday. It will be linked to the term’s pair of virtues that are being focused on, or it will be based on the intentions of individuals or Saints’ Feast Days.

There are prayers that children should know by the end of each year. Please click on your child's year group for our prayer booklets for you to use with your child at home.

At St John Fisher, it is our way to speak to God and collective worship is used as a way to communicate with God.  These sessions take place throughout the week. 

Whole School Celebration Assemblies

We meet weekly in the school hall on Friday afternoon. Sometimes the assembly is led by our Headteacher or one of our class teachers.

We will alternate each week between a whole school celebration assembly and an individual class led celebration of learning.

We meet together to celebrate all the positive things that have taken place in school during the week. Children are recognised for their hard work, as well as the skills and talents that they have shared with us. We also celebrate children’s achievements outside of school. All members of our school community are welcome to join us.

Virtues Based Collective Worship

On Monday, Mr Higgins will lead our collective worship.

On Tuesday, Miss McCarthy will lead the school in learning about virtues that we will be focussing on for this term. She will also help us to think about how we can live out these virtues in our everyday lives.

Gospel Worship

On Monday morning- Both Key Stage One and Two will hear and respond to the Gospel reading. 

Worship Through Music

Once a week, on Wednesday afternoon both Key Stages meet to learn new hymns which we sing in our Mass and assemblies.

Whole School Mass

We celebrate Mass in our school hall. All members of our school community are welcome to join us. The children lead the liturgy, they write and read their own bidding prayers, and they take on the role of altar servers. All our children demonstrate reverence and respect during our services.

For special Feast days and at other times during the year we also attend Mass at Blessed Dominic Barberi church. Children also lead the Liturgy and take on roles during these Masses too.

Right of Withdrawal

The Catholic Education Service has provided guidance on the right of withdrawal from religious education and/or collective worship.

Please click on the link below to access and download the guidance document (located on the Policies & Procedures page).